Sunday, January 17, 2010

Interview with Science Officer@ Lab Assistant~ !

Now, let's join me to hear what our sister said... She's the one that helps us in Pharmacy Practice lab  last semester, do you remember? Huhu.. She is the Science Officer, Department of Pharmacy Practice Kuliyyah Of Pharmacy IIUM. I introduced you...>:D< (drum roll!!)

Sister Nurul Hidayah Bt Abdullah
Science Officer, Department of Pharmacy Practice,
Kuliyyah Of Pharmacy, IIUM Kuantan.

Miss Genta: (tok..tok..tok) Assalamualaikum, can I come in?

Sis Nurul: Yes you may…please come in
(enter with smiley an excited face *0* B-) )

Sis Nurul: After you all waiting for a few days…

Miss Genta: Owh…never mind. We were both quite busy. Hehe…
I am grateful to see you today.

Sis Nurul: Yes, please take your seat…So, what can I do for you?

Miss Genta: First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Gentamycin. I am first year pharmacy student. I am doing an assignment and want to do some research related to pharmacy or chemistry field. :) Could you help me in my research?

Sis Nurul: Yes, absolutely…with my pleasure.

Miss Genta: Before I start the interview, may I know your full name and a little bit information about you?

Sis Nurul: My name is Nurul Hidayah Bt Abdullah. Just call me Kak Nurul. I am 26 years old. I have been in UIA about 2 years, working as science officer under Department of Pharmacy Practice.

Miss Genta: Could you tell me briefly about your background studies?

Sis Nurul: I have science diploma from UITM Negeri Sembilan and degree in applied chemistry from UITM Shah Alam.

Miss Genta: Owh, I see… so, why you choose this field? :-/
I mean…why you are interested with chemistry and become a major in your studies?

Sis Nurul: Owh…actually I love chemistry. I love to work with chemical and I can explore about all the chemicals that exist around us. I also study about a lot of chemicals and learned how its preparation. In some cases, we know more than pharmacist about the preparation of certain chemical.

Miss Genta: I see…may I know you daily routine working as science officer in Kulliyyah of Pharmacy especially under department of pharmacy practice?

Sis Nurul: Well…since I am under department of pharmacy practice, I am handling the practical for Year 1 and 2. Besides that, I have to monitor or supervise in attachment and community service for Year 4. In practical lab session, we have to prepare all the apparatus and chemical stuff that are needed for that practical lab session and also discuss about the questions with the lecturer.

Miss Genta: I know the actual job of science officer. I can see that they assist pharmacist in a lot of work. Therefore, what is the most challenging thing that you have faced as long as you dealing with the pharmacist?

Sis Nurul: Actually it is not a big matter working together with pharmacist. However, there is a lot of term using by pharmacist such as common used Latin abbreviations in medical prescription.

Miss Genta: May I know what is your plan for the future ;;)? Whether you want to further your studies or stay working here?

Sis Nurul: Of course everybody has their own dream and highest target to be achieved in their lives. Insyaallah…in the future, I will further my studies in degree of chemistry :) . I also want to work in pharmaceutical industry since I have the experience working with pharmacist. I think this experience will give me a lot of chance to find a job outside. Moreover, studies in chemistry provide a broad chance in finding the job because everything and every day we are dealing with chemical. Actually, with my degree, I can even working in biotechnology and also in medical field but not as a doctor.

Miss Genta: :-o Wow…! It seems interesting. So, for the last question, what is your advice for students of pharmacy especially in UIAM.

Sis Nurul: As long as I have been working here for 2 years dealing pharmacy student, I could see that they are not so strong in memorizing the name of drugs or chemical and its apparatus, even the short form name of chemical they are still confuse. Therefore, I hope they can improve their knowledge about that because it is important as they will be facing with a lot of things and many more stuff out there. So, they should be the most experts’ one in chemical industry.

Miss Genta: Thank you very much to give us chance to interview you and spend some time with us. I hope everyone will get a lot of information from this interview. :D =P~

Sis Nurul: You are welcome. It is my pleasure to help you and to give some knowledge with all people out there.

Miss Genta : We have class now.. Got to go sister.. Assalamu'alaikum.

Sis Nurul : Okay.. Wa'alaikummussalam warahmatuLlah..


Till then. Wassalam /bye


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